en- ArtMovin'style book Sandra Giuliani
Quiet! Silence speaks to us.
Hush, it's not a question of believing, but of knowing!
How can you hear messages from the beyond?
Indeed, there are too many people who can't hear,
even though we're right there in front of them.
What immense powerlessness in the face of this phenomenon.
There are so many things that exist even if we can't see them,
even if we can't hear them, they exist in spite of everything.
For example, wickedness is not palpable,
but it pervades our humanity.
Sometimes we try to explain it in books,
in the films of authors on the verge of extinction until they are censored.
The world is deaf, sleepwalking or hypnotised with its ears plugged tight.
Evil has clearly taken over our society.
But hush, we mustn't talk about it, it could be disturbing...
Between good and evil everything is reversed,
We're not here to be right or wrong, but to understand reality.
It's not about a mission, it's not a sect either.
It's just about being aware of this inconvenient truth.
To all the pragmatists out there, where do you put your instincts ?
Animals are aware that their instincts protect them.
Like a doe that dodges a hunter's bullet,
because its instinct tells it to make the right decision.
In reality, mankind has no control over anything; in reality, it believes what it sees.
We see ads, we see money,
films of violence that saturate every channel
And then there's education, which shapes us both at school and at home.
Our identity is taken away from us.
If we don't follow protocol, we're made to feel guilty.
Because we are tools made to produce and we are also the product, like a chick in a chicken coop.
like a chick in a supermarket chicken coop.
Or like a pig that has been mistreated,
slaughtered after years of rowing
in a monstrous, foul-smelling mess.
What an injustice!
How can we accept this?
After all, you don't bite the hand of the person who feeds you!
But being docile doesn't give you the freedom to be what you deserve!
By considering certain people
you give them a certain power over you.
Who deserves your heart or your respect ?
Be careful! In all cases
it must not destroy the very essence of your existence !
Like a butterfly, you have the right to fly!
The butterfly is the soul and friend of all sincere lives.
The soul is free! It's true that there isn't just one life on earth!
We are energy...
Energy is life, so the soul lives on!
Life on earth is designed to nourish your soul through experience.
Monarch of purity, art Attitude as a challenge,
carried out silently for truth. Yes, for truth and freedom!
Time will show the reality of this reasoning.
If in your earthly solitude you harm yourself, it's because you suffer.
Quite simply because you're alive.
So hurting yourself in order not to hurt others changes nothing.
Destroying evil with evil solves nothing.
So take the time to listen to the silence... the silence speaks to us.
You'll discover smells, colours,
you'll hear sounds, life is all around you and so is light.
Listen carefully, observe closely...
If one day a butterfly comes to land
don't turn your head away, because it's there for you.
It is a pure spirit, so open your mind
and talk to it in silence.
He'll show you all the possibilities for making the good in you grow.
His message is not to believe, but to know.
Quantum physics, where everything is linked.
He will take away your fear, guide you to find the strength of your convictions.
Always there, even when you can't see it, it will support you in your endeavours.
You'll learn as you go along, so that you can finally be as free as he is.
Sandra Giuliani Artist-Painter Author
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